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A verbal or written requirement or order. The term appears over 180 times in the OT, and over 90 percent of its uses refer to God’s requirements of Israel as stipulated in the Pentateuch. The term appears often in conjunction with torah and laws (Gen 26:5; Exod 24:12; Deut 6:1). People are enjoined to “keep” (lit., “guard”) the commandments (Lev 26:3). Far from being burdensome, the commandments are the psalmist’s “delight” (Ps 119:47; Ps 119:143) and “love” (v. 127). In the Ten Commandments, God calls those who observe his commandments “those who love me” (Exod 20:6; Deut 5:10). Jesus identified the two greatest commandments as love of God and neighbor (Matt 22:35-40; Mark 12:28-34; Luke 10:25-28; based on Deut. 6:5).