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In the Bible Syrian hyssop, a small shrub about 27 inches high with small white flowers in bunches at the end of the stem. A bunch of hyssop was used to apply blood to doorposts at Passover (Exod 12:22). Hyssop was also used to sprinkle a blood-and-water mixture on a healed leper or a renovated house (Lev 14:4; Lev 14:6; Lev 14:49; Lev 14:51-52). According to (Heb 9:19), Moses sprinkled blood on the people in the ceremony of Exod 24:6-8 using hyssop. The use of hyssop to purify is used metaphorically in (Ps 51:7). (John 19:29) says that hyssop was used to put a vinegar-soaked sponge to Jesus’s lips (Matt 27:48; Mark 15:36).