The, a religious festival commemorating God’s deliverance of the Jews from bondage in Egypt. The English term translates the Hebrew word pesach as used in (Exod 12:13), “I will pass over you, and no plague shall destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt” (see also vv. 23, 27). In (Exod 12:1-13:16), directions are given for an observation that will serve as a memorial to the exodus. (Num 9:1-14) records how the Passover sacrifice and its attendant rites were kept in the wilderness of Sinai. After entering Canaan in the days of Joshua (Josh 5:10-12), at Gilgal on the plains of Jericho the Israelites performed the Passover sacrifice. Later, in the midst of a description of Joshua’s Passover, (2Kgs 23:22 and 2Chr 35:18) allude to an exemplary Passover of earlier times. Also in (2Chr 30:1-27, a Passover is kept by royal decree in the days of Hezekiah. Yet another reference is to the days of Josiah (639–609 BCE, 2Kgs 23:21-23; 2Chr 35:1-19). In the eighteenth year of Josiah’s reign, as part of his reforms based upon the newly found book of the covenant (2Kgs 23:21; 2Kgs 22:8; 2Kgs 22:11; 2Kgs 23:2-3), he decreed the observance of the Passover in Jerusalem. And, finally, (Ezra 6:19-22) reports that after the dedication of the rebuilt Temple, the returned exiles from Babylon observed the Passover. According to the NT, the nascent Christian community celebrated a thanksgiving (Gk. eucharistia) festival commemorating the Passover Jesus shared with his disciples the night before his crucifixion (1Cor 11:23-26) and the saving effects of that death and subsequent resurrection (Matt 26:17; Matt 26-28:17).