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Zek´uh-ri´uh; Heb., “Yah[weh] remembers”

The name of more than thirty people in the Bible, including a Levite gatekeeper (1Chr 26:2; 1Chr 26:14), a Levite harpist (1Chr 15:18; 1Chr 15:20; 1Chr 16:5), and a trumpet-blowing priest who led David’s procession accompanying the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem (1Chr 15:24). The more important bearers of the name are 1 A prophet during the reign of Joash (Jehoash) of Judah (ca. 837–800 BCE). The son of Jehoiada, a priest, he was stoned by the people because of his unpopular preaching (2Chr 24:20-23). He may be the Zechariah mentioned by Jesus in (Luke 11:51), though a parallel passage in (Matt 23:35) identifies that person as “the son of Barachiah,” i.e., the postexilic prophet indicated in 3 below. 2 The son of Jeroboam II, who succeeded his father to the throne of Israel ca. 746 BCE. He was the last of the family of Jehu. After reigning only six months, he was assassinated by Shallum, evidence of a period of considerable political unrest (2Kgs 14:29; 2Kgs 15:8-12). 3 One of the Minor Prophets after the exile, associated with the canonical book of Zechariah. 4 The father of John the Baptist. The story of the announcement of his son’s birth and his reaction to it is told in (Luke 1:5-25, Luke 1:57-80).