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1 The son of Jehoshaphat; he was king of Israel for twenty-eight years (ca. 843–816 BCE) and established a dynasty that lasted five generations and ninety years (2Kgs 9-10; 2Kgs 15:12). In a bloody coup, Jehu killed Jehoram, king of Israel (849–843 BCE; v. 24) and directed the killings of Jehu’s confederate King Ahaziah of Judah (843 v. 27), Jezebel (vv. 30–37), Ahab’s seventy sons (2Kgs 10:1-10), all members and associates of the house of Ahab (vv. 11, 17), Ahaziah’s forty-two brothers (vv. 13–14), and all the worshipers of Baal in Israel (vv. 18–25). Jehu also ordered the destruction of the temple and the idols of Baal (vv. 26–28). 2 The son of Hanani, and a prophet who prophesied against Baasha (902–886 BCE), king of Israel (1Kgs 16:1-4; 1Kgs 16:7; 1Kgs 16:12); he both rebuked and praised Jehoshaphat (874–850 BCE), king of Judah (2Chr 19:2-3). (2Chr 20:34) attributes authorship of the history of Jehoshaphat to him. 3 The son of Joshibiah, and a prince of the tribe of Simeon (1Chr 4:35). 4 One of David’s “mighty warriors” from Anathoth (1Chr 12:3). 5 A Judahite, a descendant of Jarha, an Egyptian slave (1Chr 2:38).

  • Powell, Mark Allan, ed. HarperCollins Bible Dictionary. Abridged Edition. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2009.