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An artificially inflicted sign on the body in the form of incision, tattoo, brand, or stamp. 1 The mark of Cain (Gen 4:15), given as a protection, making the person of Cain inviolable. 2 The mark of the prophet (1Kgs 20:41), possibly an incision on the forehead. 3 Circumcision (Gen 17:14; 1Cor 7:18), the most prominent mark identifying Jews as belonging to God (Isa 44:5; Isa 49:16). 4 The mark of a slave who did not wish to leave his master—the earlobe was pierced by an awl (Exod 21:6; Deut 15:17). 5 The “marks of Jesus” that Paul bore (Gal 6:17); these could have been scars from his sufferings for Christ (Acts 14:19; 2Cor 11:23-27). Paul, who called himself a “slave of Jesus” (Rom 1:1), may also have had in mind the custom of branding a slave. 6 The “mark of the beast” (Rev 13:16-18; Rev 14:9-11; Rev 16:2). The number 666 is thought to conceal the emperor Nero’s name and the “mark” of the official imperial seal, necessary to conduct business. Accepting this mark was apostasy (Rev 3:12; Rev 7:3; Rev 14:1; Rev 22:4; Ezek 9:4).

  • Powell, Mark Allan, ed. HarperCollins Bible Dictionary. Abridged Edition. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2009.