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1 An Edomite descendant of Esau by Basemath, daughter of Ishmael (Gen 36:13; Gen 36:17; 1Chr 1:37; Gen 36:1-4). 2 The father of an early Edomite king (Gen 36:33; 1Chr 1:44); possibly the same as 1. 3 A twin son of Judah by Tamar (Gen 38:30; Gen 46:12; 1Chr 2:4; 1Chr 2:6), founder of the Zerahites (Num 26:20) or “sons of Zerah” (1Chr 9:6; Neh 11:24). Achan, a warrior who took for personal use some items from Jericho that had been dedicated to God, is identified as a descendant of Zerah (Josh 7:1; Josh 7:18; Josh 7:24; 1Chr 2:6-7). 4 The founder of a Simeonite division, the Zerahites (Num 26:13; 1Chr 4:24; called Zohar in (Gen 46:10). 5 Two Levites (1Chr 6:21; 1Chr 6:41). 6 An Ethiopian (Cushite) leader of a large attacking force whom King Asa of Judah defeated at Mareshah (2Chr 14:9-15).

  • Powell, Mark Allan, ed. HarperCollins Bible Dictionary. Abridged Edition. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2009.